The Gift of Giving

by | Jan 3, 2018 | Blog | 0 comments

The joy of giving is powerful.  Watching your loved one open the perfect gift or seeing children’s faces light up at the sight of a new toy can wipe away all the frustration of long lines at the mall and traffic jams on the way home.  Better yet, offering your time and money to ensure that another family can experience that same joy at Christmas, is priceless.  Whatever you give – big or small – you have the opportunity to positively impact another life.

The best part of giving is that it can become addictive and contagious, spreading from one person to the next, multiplying blessings along the way.  It’s the ‘Pay it Forward’ phenomenon that can soften the hardest hearts on the coldest days, and it is bigger than all of us. 

Outside of the holiday season, the giving mindset can lose its luster.  Credit card bills roll in, taxes show up, and the challenges of every day life creep back in.  Where did that magic run off to and how can we carry that with us year-round?

While it may seem rigid or a less exciting way to help others, making a habit out of giving can change your whole perspective on life.  Think about it – how much more could we accomplish as a community if giving back was automatic, and more selfishly, how great would it be to live like it’s Christmas all the time?   

At PRIER, we are not only committed to donating money and volunteering our time for the benefit of our community, we are a tithing company – which means that at least 10% of our profits are directed towards charitable giving.  It also means that every day of every year, anyone involved with the production, sales, distribution, or purchase of our products is giving right along with us.    

Before going in to business, the owners asked themselves, why?  Of course, primarily, it was to be profitable, but it was also to fulfill a bigger purpose.  They didn’t over-complicate this question though, they led with the simple notion that their business would operate under the will of God and trust that success would eventually follow.

“That’s just what we believe, so that’s what we do,” – a simple, yet meaningful explanation from our CEO, Joe Poskin.  “The company was designed to be the best it could possibly be, with the purpose of helping others become their best version of themselves.”

With a few years under his belt at PRIER, Regional Sales Manager, Angelo Balistreri, has learned that beyond money, giving has a much bigger purpose: “We not only give financial support, we give hope – hope that people can do more, be more.”


The beautiful part of being a tithing company is that so many others get to share in this joy.  Growing this business has been an immense team effort, and that means that the giving has too.  We are so grateful to our employees, sales associates, distributors, and customers – there is a sense of ownership at each level. 

Your support has meant so much to us, and it means the world to so many others who have never even met you.  Thank you all for helping us not only build PRIER, but also to do more, give more, and ultimately be more than just a business. 

If you would like to live every day like Christmas, join us in giving to the charity of your choice or these amazing non-profits that meet our community’s needs:

United Way of Greater Kansas City

Grandview Assistance Program

Little Sisters of the Poor

El Centro


Habitat for Humanity

Build with Purpose

PRIER builds plumbing products with purpose. With 140 years of experience in listening to the customer and identifying needs, we design and build products that are easier to install and operate and stand the test of time.